

My final paper

Wenda Qian
ENG 191
How does global communication influence people’s values comparing China, Japan and America?

        Globalization means the relationship between nation and nation is getting closer. In other words, the entire world is becoming a big family. Hundreds years ago, Globalization started since the new land and ship were found.  People not only started their new lives in the new land but also colonized many underdeveloped countries. During the period, globalization was the tool of powerful nations, they tried to gain more and pay less from these poor countries. In some way, colonization had positive influence in the global communication. I personally think the United States is the outcome of globalization, because the nation is based on immigration. After colonization, more and more business communications, intercultural communications and interpersonal communications bring the world a new choice. Many international trades can be processed instantly by the internet; many electrical technologies can benefit other countries. It is impossible for any nation to have such rapid development without globalization. As a result of globalization, people get know each other better than the past. However, as the two sides of a coin, globalization also brings some negative effects. According to my study, many traditional things such thinking, lifestyle and festivals are turning into internationalization. So we can see that globalization influence people’s life in both good ways and bad ways. In the rest of the paper, I will analyze the effect of globalization in three different categories: political level, economic level, cultural level.
        The effect of globalization on the U.S. is less than the rest of the world. As a process of the world becoming increasingly interconnected--and also as one in which values are becoming more oriented to a global context, and international institutions are playing a more central role.(1) By political factor, the 20th century was variety, because 20th was the confused agitate of globalization, after the second world war, America was a big winner, in order to manage the global trade and economic, the American and British government created GATT, IMF and the world bank. Then during the cold war, the proletariat and capitalist class were fighting each other, the world also was divided into two major camps, the United States and Soviet Union. After the cold war, the political divergence gradually disappeared, the leaders of countries realized that develop was the most important thing. For America, I think the most important effect is that the change of their attitudes for Globalization. America was based on immigration, people who came here to pursue their American dreams, because the government encouraged the citizen to develop their own company, this was performance of Globalization as well. However, Globalization also came up with some negative effects; An October 2005 poll by the German Marshall Fund simply asked whether respondents have a favorable or unfavorable view of globalization. A plurality of 46% said they had a favorable view, while 36% said they had an unfavorable view. It is worth noting though that those who had a very unfavorable view (15%) were significantly greater than those who had a very favorable view (7%).(1) Anyway, American people have many views about globalization. In my opinion, American’s value include three important thoughts: human right, equally competition chance and hard work, in other word, the reason for American dislike globalization is very simple, globalization is good for developing countries’ growth, the job opportunity will be transferred to the other countries, so more and more American people are losing their jobs. American citizen could purchase the cheaper goods in the store; but they can’t evade the pressure of competition from the cheap labor countries. In addition, America regards itself as an international polices, once some evil force appears somewhere in the world, The U.S army would try to defeat them in order to keep the world peace, thus American government spends a great amount of money on it every year, it is decreasing America’s power, too. For cultural section, with strong cultural basis from Europe, America has many European styles of foods and sports. Meanwhile, Asian culture is being a part of American life, we can watch many Japanese cartoons on TV, and we can see Japanese brand cars and Chinese restaurant everywhere in American cities as well. As many Asian immigrants come to the U.S, American people more understand and accept Asian culture. America is the strongest country in the world, its policies and culture often affect other nations and people, however with the economic depression, and this effect is getting weaker.
          As compare to America, The effect of globalization further impacts Japan than America. The break point of Japan was Black Ships Event, American captain Perry forced Tokugawa government to open the port for international trade, and it could be regarded as the beginning of globalization for Japan. As the western culture came into Japan, more and more Japanese thinkers realized that old policies couldn’t keep Japan strong, then Meiji restoration outbreak and modernized Japan. After the World War II, Japan was really poor; the Japanese government got help from America and learned a lot new policies and systems from western world. These modes also bring fashion western thinking to Japan. So far, Japan's auto-mobile industry and electronic industry are very advanced, the electronic brand Sony and car brand Nissan are among the world. With the development of the globalization, western liberal democracy challenges Japanese traditional value. In the past, Japanese was loyal to the the Mikado -- the emperor of Japan. Nowadays, the Japanese focus more on economic development and modern education. They understand that some traditional thing cannot improve the quality of their lives. I interviewed three Japanese students this semester, all the feeling I got from them was that Japan changed. These changes took place everywhere in Japan. For political part, Japanese political system is parliament system; Japanese people can select the government they like in order to manage the country. In Japan, two of the most powerful parties are Democratic Party and Liberal Democratic Party. Now Democratic Party takes power in Japan. The term for government is two or three years. The Mikado is no more important as before, as a result of young Japanese more advocate freedom, from asceticism to material desires and sexual consciousness of liberation. The values of family, men were host of the house in the past, he had to do job for his family, and women just were responsible for house work. Women did not have to worry about making money. The most important job of a woman was to be a good housewife. So, the role between men and women was different. Men had more right than women in old national system. However, Japanese women have more options, under liberal egalitarianism. Women gain more rights than before, so a lot of women choose to keep working after marriage, housewife is getting fewer and fewer. On the one hand, the marriage age is being higher; people used to get marry when they were young. Nowadays, young people pay more attention on their work, most of them wouldn’t spend too much time in love, so most people get marry nearly thirty years old currently. On the other hand, the number of children of each family has been decreasing; parents can’t take care of many children, especially after housewife is being fewer. So, the most effect from globalization is changing people’s life style. For the Japanese traditional things such as sumo and kabuki which is very unattractive to youth. American movies and video games are popular among young people; it is a challenge to traditional stuff. Overall, there is one thing which is never changed in Japanese culture, be polite. The Japanese parents always teach their kids to be polite. I think this is fairly common tradition. Japanese electric and car production are successful worldwide, which make the Japanese economic growth fast. But, strongly life stress causes the highest suicide rates in the world. This is a major problem to Japanese social system. Nevertheless, Japanese people are unity; they believe social stability is the most important thing.
            China is an ancient country but still relatively young for the U.S and Japan on modern stage, because Chinese government open the market and port for public at 1978. We call the policy “Reform and Open”, so China just likes a kid who has never touched the world before. This policy was produced by the state president Xiaoping Deng after Mao dead. Xiaoping Deng realized that Mao’s policy would make China weaker and the political system of the Soviet Union also has some serious problems. Deng didn’t want China to become the second Soviet Union; he decided to open the market for the entire world. Then, the Soviet Union disintegrated at 1991. Same as Japan, China had several revolutions in the history, but all failed at the end. Currently, China is a big market of the world, we got the biggest population in the world, and that means China contains many cheap labor force. So a lot of international companies choose to set their factories in China, and then advanced idea and technologies go to China. Also, China sends many people to study abroad; these people will learn skill and knowledge in western universities, after graduation, they will return to China for servicing their homeland. After about thirty years “Reform and Open” policy published, the quality of Chinese’s life has significantly enhanced. Meanwhile, because globalization comes too fast, it greatly influences people’s common value, social system and traditional thinking. This phenomenon takes place on different age groups. For people whose age group is from 19 to 29 years old, their value is very open, they like peaceful life and environment, focus on changing as well, they are influenced by western fashion value. For people whose age rage is from 30 to 40 years old, they are under intense competition stress, they support themselves, they feel more responsibility to society and nation, and they are the center of developing in China. For people whose age rage is from 50 to 60 years old, they focus more on fame and reality, some of them still have old-fashion value. They don’t agree with young people‘s value. Now, China’s housing price is increasing, young people aren’t able to afford it, most have to get help from their parents. There is weird value on young lady, they don’t care about love, and all they want is fame or wealthy, they will to marry a rich person in order to have wealthy soon. Moreover, Chinese governor have more right than normal citizen, so their sons or daughters are conceited, and they think they don’t have to worry about many things with parents’ protect. Compare to the last generation, young people are softer. Many rich families send their children to developed countries, which hope them to stay at there after graduation. ”In total, there are 46 percent of the Chinese who have a property of more than 1.6 million dollars want to move out of the country. The United States and Canada are the most popular destinations. 14 percent have already made concrete plans. A total of 980 wealthy people from 18 major Chinese cities participated in the study.(2) According to the data, we can see that Chinese people like western countries and systems more.
           “Globalization, economic integration through trade, migration, capital flows and communication flows has been officially around since 1870. This new concept could noticeably profit if based on D. Ricardo' economic theory of comparative advantage. The latter theory states that each country should produce those products/services, which they can produce/provide with the lowest opportunity cost and total production cost. Hence, allowing all countries to produce and trade in the most efficient way so that the highest attainable welfare for all countries is reached.” (3) Comparing China, America and Japan, for political part, America was the most powerful one, but terrorist costs great. Japan and China also play an important international role, especially China, 10 out of the world's 25 largest sea ports are already in China. For economic part, Japan is a major economic power, electric and auto-mobile industry are famous, and China has cheap labor, after the market opened, Chinese economic grows extremely fast. American economic fall into a decline, unemployment rate is rising, but American people still have good living conditions. The biggest problem globalization give is intercultural problem, ancient countries as China and Japan has many traditions, new thinking and new lifestyle present a big impact on these traditional stuff, especially happen on young people, they have open-minded, most are not interested in old culture, American fresh culture affect the new generation of the world.  想启用英文朗读功能吗?请先安装flash插件!Long time ago, with the enhancement of marine technology, people started to find the new world. Virtually, new things change people’s normal lifestyle. America was the first one who starts to build communication stage which is worldwide internet. Internet makes people talk easier, social network website such as Facebook and Skype have been embraced around the globe, estrangement between nation and nation is eliminating, people can instantly know what happen in other countries. We can watch news and vides without newspaper and DVD player, internet greatly enriched the life of people. There is a Chinese saying: "It's better to travel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books." Nowadays we can see the world at home by computer, I think this is a kind of advance, by communicating knowledge and technologies, people have a better life.

(2)http://www.chinatimes.nl/en/news/china/416-2011-11-01-12-02-12(01 NOVEMBER 2011, WRITTEN BY CHINA TIMES)
(3)http://www.globalenvision.org/library/3/732(February 21, 2005, Chun Liew)


Global communication

My paper.


My outline.

Interview #3

Eng 191

Interviewer: Wenda Qian
Interviewee: Kaori Fijita
Date of Interview: 11/14/2011

Country Report
         Japan is an island nation in East Asia, it has four main island to form the whole country, these are Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku, also” Japan has the world's tenth-largest population, with over 127 million people. The Greater Tokyo Area, which includes the de facto capital city of Tokyo and several surrounding prefectures, is the largest metropolitan area in the world, with over 30 million residents." (1) Before Tokyo became the capital city, Kyoto was the one. Now Kyoto is a resort place, many Japanese traditional building are located on there.  
          Kaori’s hometown is Chiba; it is the capital city of Chiba Prefecture, It is located on the center part of japan, next to Tokyo. ”Chiba City is also one of the Kantō region's primary seaports, and is home to Chiba Port, which handles one of the highest volumes of cargo in the nation. Much of the city is residential, although there are many factories and warehouses located along the coast. There are several major urban centers in the city, including Makuhari, a prime waterfront business district in which Makuhari Messe is located, and Central Chiba, in which the prefectural government office and the city hall are located.”(2)

          Japan is a major economic power in the world. After the Second World War, Japan got very poor as a loser in the war. However, Japan's economic growth very fast from the 1960s to the 1980s has been called the Japanese post-war economic miracle. Japan developed fast because The Vietnam War and the Marshall plan. Also, Japan's auto-mobile industry and electronic industry are very advanced. This is why Japan revives so quickly. The other important reason is that Japanese government focus on education, thus even under the poor situation after war, Japanese children still had a good study condition. Also Japan has many famous electronic brands like Sony, Toshiba and Panasonic. Auto-mobile such as Infinite, Lexus and Honda are all popular in America. In addition, Japan’s third industry is cartoon, there are a great mounts of Japanese cartoon are showing up in many countries over the world, they bring Japan 23 billion profit every year.

         Japan is not a big country, but climate varies greatly from north to south. "Japan's geographical features divide it into six principal climatic zones: Hokkaidō, Sea of Japan, Central Highland, Seto Inland Sea, Pacific Ocean, and Ryūkyū Islands."   (1) Sakura (cherry blossom) is a famous flower in Japan, like Fiji mount and Ninja, Sakura is a representative of Japan, it is getting ripen on July. Every year, most tourists come to Japan to enjoy the beautiful Sakura. Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. It is also the representative of Japan. There are many viewer and climber go to the mount every year. "It is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku."(3)

        Japanese food is poplar over the world; I remember my first interviewee said that food makes him proud of his country, I can understand, because many people like Japanese food. In my hometown, there are many Japanese restaurants. The typical Japanese meal consists of a bowl of rice (gohan), a bowl of miso soup (miso shiru), pickled vegetables (tsukemono) and fish or meat. While rice is the staple food, several kinds of noodles (udon, soba and ramen) are cheap and very popular for light meals. As an island nation, the Japanese take great pride in their seafood. A wide variety of fish, squid, octopus, eel, and shellfish appear in all kinds of dishes from sushi to tempura.(4)


Preparation of the Interview
       For my third interview, I didn’t plan too much. Because I knew a Japanese girl from my friend LuLu, her name is Kaori and she is really nice and easy-going. We had a basketball game with St John University on last Saturday, she came to watch our game and I formally knew her at that time. Actually, I used to take her as my second interviewee, but I didn’t find her and I got some trouble with my friend LuLu. This time, I planned to interview Kaori at library on Tuesday; however I luckily finished the mission ahead of schedule. I went to library on Monday for my other homework, LuLu and Kaori sit on the other table next to me. I was very exciting and immediately printed out my questions. I went to her and had talked with her; she looked very busy, I was afraid that she would refuse to accept my interview. After I told her my requirement, she nicely agreed for listen my questions. Because I didn’t know I can interview her early, I even didn’t have pen. She lent me hers, then the interview begun. The same as last two, I showed her my questions before interview, she asked me that she need to write or just talk, I told I would record, she just needed to answer me. I recorded the coversation by phone, it almost take 17 minutes.This interview is successful as the second one. After the interview, I hope to take a photo with her, she agreed my entire requirement.

Interview #3
Interviewer: Wenda Qian
Interviewee: Kaori Fujita
Place: library second floor
(The photo was taken by friend "Lulu")

Wenda Qian: Ok, I know you are very busy, I will make very fast.
Kaori Fujita: It is OK, do I have to say or write?
Wenda Qian: Just say it, I will write them down, and I record the conversation by cell phone.
Kaori Fujita: OK.
Wenda Qian: What is your name?
Kaori Fujita: I am Kaori Fujita. (Then she told how to spell the name.)
Wenda Qian: Cool! I know you came from Japan; can you which part of Japan?
Kaori Fujita: I am from Chiba. It is the prefecture next Tokyo.
Wenda Qian: Prefecture?
Kaori Fujita: Yeah, it is like a state.
Wenda Qian: OK, got it. So it is in the north part of Japan, right?
Kaori Fujita: It is center.
Wenda Qian: Next, can you tell education system of your country?
Kaori Fujita: We go to elementary school for six years, three years for middle school, and three years for high school. After high school, you can choose to go to college or university; there are two years in college and four years in university.
Wenda Qian: It is same in America and China. How was your culture influence your people values or family values?
Kaori Fujita: UH….
Wenda Qian: It is a very hard question.
Kaori Fujita: Yeah, it is. My mother usually tells me that is important to say” Thank you”, I think it is kind of basic culture in Japan. Foreigners think Japanese are polite, because we say” Thank you” all the time.
Wenda Qian: Oh…What is the form of government in your country?
Kaori Fujita: Wu…Government. It is parliament system.
Wenda Qian: Tell me one thing you are proud of your country?
Kaori Fujita: Uh…I will say other people think Japanese are polite. After I came here, people in here think I am polite. The value between Japan and American are difference, so I can’t say too much. But I think Japanese are more polite.
Wenda Qian: Ok, what place you would recommend to tourists?
Kaori Fujita: Definitely Kyoto.  
Wenda Qian: My second interviewee also told me that place, can you tell me about Kyoto?
Kaori Fujita: It is nice place; there are a lot of temples. And Kyoto used to be the capital city.
Wenda Qian: Cool! When did it change?
Kaori Fujita: OH…sorry, I am not good at Japanese history. But it was long time ago.
Wenda Qian: What festivals do you celebrate in your country?
Kaori Fujita: We have “Yiji, Gu, Samg” (I don’t know how to spell the Japanese words.) Yiji means seven, Gu means five and Samg means three. Like when you became seven years old, we celebrate as festival. It is same as five years old and three years old.
Wenda Qian: So celebrate in each age. How do you celebrate?
Kaori Fujita: We usually go to temple, to pray for healthy.
Wenda Qian: What is wealthy like in your hometown?
Kaori Fujita: My hometown? We have four seasons, it is same in MN. But the winter is more humid. It is same in China?
Wenda Qian: Yeah, what is a type of sport in your country?
Kaori Fujita: I will say it is baseball and soccer.
Wenda Qian: That is all?
Kaori Fujita: Yeah, that is all.
Wenda Qian: Ok, can you tell me the traditional food in your country?
Kaori Fujita: Of course Sushi. But I don’t like it.
Wenda Qian: Why?
Kaori Fujita: Because I don’t fish.
Wenda Qian: HaHa, I thought Japanese all like to eat fish. What do most women do after they get married in Japan?
Kaori Fujita: En…They can choose. They can be house wife or they can keep working.
Wenda Qian: How does your mother choose?
Kaori Fujita: My mother has a job. After I was born, she was keeping working outside.
Wenda Qian: I believe you will choose the same way, women have more rights than before.
Kaori Fujita: Yeah, it is changing.
Wenda Qian: What is your major?
Kaori Fujita: My major is Travel and Tourism.
Wenda Qian: That is very interesting major, why do you select this major?
Kaori Fujita: Because I like traveling, I hope to find a job related to my major in the future.
Wenda Qian: Next, why do you come to America?
Kaori Fujita: I want to learn English and I think English is really important to my major.
Wenda Qian: Ok, so why do you come to this school?
Kaori Fujita: it is cheap, and they give us a lot of scholarship.
Wenda Qian: Would you like to find a job on campus?
Kaori Fujita: Yeah. I hope I can be a night security, I thought it got to be very hard, so I didn’t apply it. Night security should be good for me to see many people.
Wenda Qian: How many children does each family usually have in Japan?
Kaori Fujita: The number has been decreasing, less than two I think.
Wenda Qian: Do you have brother or sister?
Kaori Fujita: I have two older brothers.
Wenda Qian: So you are the youngest one, both your brothers have job now?
Kaori Fujita: Yeah, they both are working.
Wenda Qian: How old are people in your county by the time they got married?
Kaori Fujita: It is increasing. It depends on gender, if I talk about female; I think it is around 30.
Wenda Qian: 30? That is not young, what about men?
Kaori Fujita: I am not sure…
Wenda Qian: I heard that most Japanese people get marry very early.
Kaori Fujita: I think it was, used to be early. Currently, it is getting older and older.
Wenda Qian: What is the relationship between you and your America friends?
Kaori Fujita: I think each of us have different values, it is very nice to talk with them.
Wenda Qian: Did you get cultural shock before?
Kaori Fujita: Did I? I don’t really get cultural shock.
Wenda Qian: What is the most difficult problem you have faced after you came here?
Kaori Fujita: I think there was a hard time to make good friends, because I was scary to make a mistake by talking, I didn’t take too much.
Wenda Qian: Even right now?
Kaori Fujita: Not really, sometime in class.
Wenda Qian: Last question, what is your plan after you graduate from here?
Kaori Fujita: I will go back to japan.
Wenda Qian: what kind of job you will get?
Kaori Fujita: I am still finding out, I think it should be something related to my major.
Wenda Qian: Ok, mission complete. Thank you very much!
Kaori Fujita: You are very welcome.

Personal review

          For my third interview, I have done better job than last two. I think I had a good conversation with my interviewee. The last two interviews, I got nervous. I can’t open my mind for talking. Sometime, it is very hard to ask a stranger for interview. Luckily, most people are nice and helpful. They all will to help me; especially I got many supports from my friends. Sometime, I am afraid that I can’t completely understand my interviewee’s answer. So I have to focus on the short answer and record it. Record is a easy way to find the information slowly. Japan is an nation near China, for culture, we have many similar points, Kaori showed me her homework after interview, her writing is cute, I can figure out many Japanese word. I think confident is an important factor. When you do everything confidently, you will forget your weakness, and then make your job efficiently. After three interviews, I believe I have got some experience and communication skills.


Interview #2

Interview #2
Eng 191
Interviewer: Wenda Qian
Interviewee: Chinami Kuriki
Date of Interview: 11/08/2011

Country Report

       Chinami’s hometown is Fukuoka, it is located on Kyūshū Island, and also it is the biggest city over there. Japan is an island nation in East Asia, It has four main islands; they are Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku, also” Japan has the world's tenth-largest population, with over 127 million people. The Greater Tokyo Area, which includes the de facto capital city of Tokyo and several surrounding prefectures, is the largest metropolitan area in the world, with over 30 million residents."
          Japan is a major economic power in the world, after the Second World War, Japan got very poor as a loser in the war. However, Japan's economic growth very fast from the 1960s to the 1980s has been called the Japanese post-war economic miracle. Japan developed fast because The Vietnam War and the Marshell plan. Also, Japan's auto-mobile industry and electronic industry are very advanced. This is why Japan revives so quickly. The other important reason is that Japanese government focus on education, thus even under the poor situation after war, Japanese children still had a good study condition.

     Japan is not a big country, but climate varies greatly from north to south. "Japan's geographical features divide it into six principal climatic zones: Hokkaidō, Sea of Japan, Central Highland, Seto Inland Sea, Pacific Ocean, and Ryūkyū Islands."   Sakura (cherry blossom) is a famous flower in Japan, like Fiji mount and Ninja, Sakura is a representative of Japan, it is getting ripen on July. Every year, most tourists come to Japan to enjoy the beautiful Sakura. Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. It is also the representative of Japan. There are many viewer and climber go to the mount every year. "It is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku."

     Japanese food is poplar over the world; I remember my first interviewee said that food makes him proud of his country, I can understand, because many people like Japanese food. In my hometown, there are many Japanese restaurants. The typical Japanese meal consists of a bowl of rice (gohan), a bowl of miso soup (miso shiru), pickled vegetables (tsukemono) and fish or meat. While rice is the staple food, several kinds of noodles (udon, soba and ramen) are cheap and very popular for light meals. As an island nation, the Japanese take great pride in their seafood. A wide variety of fish, squid, octopus, eel, and shellfish appear in all kinds of dishes from sushi to tempura.

Preparation of the Interview
For the second interview, I planned to interview my friend LuLu’s Japanese friend, but for some reasons, she didn’t reply my request. Fortunately, my other friend Wang introduced a Japanese girl to me, her name is Chinami Kuriki, and she also lives in Lawrence Hall. We make an appointment that interview would happen on two pm. However, she did show up on time, I tried to knock her door, and then her roommate told me that she is not there. After a while, Wang come to my room and told me that Chinami is very busy, so the interview will happen on ten pm.
On ten o’clock, I went to the second floor of Lawrence Hall, she was waiting for me. Chinami is a cute girl; we shaked hands and then introduced each other. We decided to take the interview at the lounge on the second floor. Before the interview begun, I showed her the questions, she nicely accepted all questions. She apologized that she was late in the afternoon. Her attitude was better than my first interviewee, she liked to talk and gived me many ideas about Japan. Perhaps because she is cute girl, I really enjoyed this interview. I recorded this interview by my smart phone, it almost took 30 minutes; I didn’t know we can talk so long. After interview, we have a short talk about Chinese words. As a Japanese, Chinami can figure out many Chinese words, because these word are same in Japanese. In a way, China and Japan have some similar culture. 

Interview #2

Interviewer: Wenda Qian
Interviewee: Chinami Kuriki
Place: Lawrence Hall 2rd floor, lounge.

Wenda Qian: ok, let’s get start. My first question is what is your name?
Chinami Kuriki: My name is Chinami Kuriki, C-H-I-N-A-M-I K-U-R-I-K-I.
Wenda Qian: It is very complicated…
Chinami Kuriki: it is simple to Japanese name.
Wenda Qian: The second question is where do you come from?
Chinami Kuriki: Japan.
Wenda Qian: I know that, I mean which part of Japan?
Chinami Kuriki: Fukuoka, it is in the south of Japan. The city name is Kurume.
Wenda Qian: Can you tell me about the education system of Japan?
Chinami Kuriki: You mean how many years in elementary school……?
Wenda Qian: Just like how many years you spent in each schools?
Chinami Kuriki: Ok, six years for elementary school, three years for middle school, three years for high school, and four years for most college.
Wenda Qian: Uh…what is the form of government in Japan?
Chinami Kuriki: Form? How can I explain it?
Wenda Qian: Like how many parties Japan has?
Chinami Kuriki: I think there are many.
Wenda Qian: How many? What is the most powerful one?
Chinami Kuriki: Uh…two are very power, one is Democratic Party and the other one is Liberal Democratic Party. Now Democratic Party takes Japan. The party will change in two or three years.
Wenda Qian: Good, next one is to tell me one thing that makes you pound of your country?
Chinami Kuriki: Uh…Everything is OK?
Wenda Qian: Yeah, everything is OK.
Chinami Kuriki: I think is food.
Wenda Qian: Food?
Chinami Kuriki: healthy and delicious.
Wenda Qian: I like Japanese food, too. There are many Japanese restaurants in my hometown. Next, what place you would recommend to tourists?
Chinami Kuriki: Uh….How many?
Wenda Qian: It matters nothing, you can say as much as you like.
Chinami Kuriki: I think is Kyoto, because there are many traditional building, It is kind of middle of Japan, many foreigners like to visit Kyoto. Kyoto was a capital city in Japan.
Wenda Qian: What about Houshu?
Chinami Kuriki: Houshu is just an island.
Wenda Qian: Very good, what festivals do you celebrate?
Chinami Kuriki: I think the biggest one is New Year, January 1st. In my hometown, we eat some special food for celebration.
Wenda Qian: Special food?
Chinami Kuriki: Osechi, there are many food within it.
Wenda Qian: Ok, what is weather like in your hometown?
Chinami Kuriki: Very humid, in the southern Japan, so the weather is high humid.
Wenda Qian: What is type of sport in your country?
Chinami Kuriki: Baseball and soccer, we also have karate.
Wenda Qian: what will you do?
Wenda Qian: what is traditional food in your country?

Chinami Kuriki: Sushi and sashimi, lisecake.

Wenda Qian: So, what do most women do after they get married in Japan?
Chinami Kuriki: In the past, most women stay at home and do housework. But now, it has changed, many women still work after marriage.
Chinami Kuriki: I hope I will work.
Wenda Qian: What about your mother?
Chinami Kuriki: My mother is a teacher in elementary school.
Wenda Qian: What is your major?
Chinami Kuriki: My major is communication study.
Wenda Qian: Why you select this major?
Chinami Kuriki: Because I am interest in other culture and different view point.
Wenda Qian: What reason takes you to America?
Chinami Kuriki: Uh….firstly, I want to improve my English, secondly, I want learn different culture and different values. If I am in Japan, I would have so many chances.
Wenda Qian: Would you like to find a job on campus?
Chinami Kuriki: No! Because I am just an exchange student, I will only have one year in America, so I focus more on studying.
Wenda Qian: That is sad to me. Uh...how many children does each family usually have in your hometown?
Chinami Kuriki: Now I think avenge is two for each.
Wenda Qian: Do you have sister or brother?
Chinami Kuriki: Uh..I have a younger brother.
Wenda Qian: How old are people in your country by the time they got married?
Chinami Kuriki: Uh, I think is from 25 to 30.
Wenda Qian: Do you have any plans about marriage?
Chinami Kuriki: HAHA…..maybe three years after graduate from college, then I want to get a marrage.
Wenda Qian: That is a good plan, what is the relationship between you and your American roommate?
Chinami Kuriki: It is quite good, really good. We respect each other, sometime; we have different lifestyle, I will tell her what I think, like “can I sleep? Or can I wake up ”, just take care of each other. Keep the room clear. I think that is it.
Wenda Qian: It is enough, what is the most difficult problem you have faced after you came here?
Chinami Kuriki: To follow the class, because my English sill is not enough. I can’t come up with many ideas. Ok, for example: in Japan, the bus comes on time, but in America, the bus is often late. The most difficult problem is still English problem.
Wenda Qian: So do I, I think English is a problem to international student. Ok, the last question, what is your plan after graduation?
Chinami Kuriki: after I graduate from Japanese university?
Wenda Qian: Uh. Yeah!
Chinami Kuriki: I want to concern for students, I will go abroad. I want to help poor students.
Wenda Qian: Cool! How many years remaining in you college life?
Chinami Kuriki: This is my third year, so I still have one year left after I leave America.
Wenda Qian: Thank you very much for your help! You really make me enjoy this interview.
Chinami Kuriki: You are welcome.

Personal review

This is my second interview. This time, I recorded the talking by my smart cell phone. So I can clearly write down the information. Chinami is very easy-going, I felt a little bit shy at the beginning. She makes me comfortable and relaxes. It is hard to make appointment with unknown people. This time, I am luck because we all live in Lawrence Hall, Chinami’s answer is good and detail, compare the first one, I think I have done better. But there are some special Japanese words I feel confuse, it is complicated spelling. In the first interview, I didn’t make jetia answer me too much, but Chinami is patient, she happily answer me every question I asked him, so it made the interview clear. I have learned more about the Japanese culture. I also fix some mistakes from the first one, like how to set the resource of picture. In order to make the interview fluency, I skip some unimportant information from the talking.